Question: Do the scriptures promote racism?.Question: Are the scriptures misogynistic/sexist?.Holland: "It is wrong to assume that Nephi in any way wished to take Laban’s life" Question: Why didn't God simply preserve Nephi's life using divine power instead of requiring him to kill Laban?.Question: Did Nephi commit "cold blooded murder" when he killed Laban?.Joseph Fielding Smith: "This was also in the similitude of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ".Question: Why would God send poisonous serpents to kill the Children of Israel?.Holland: "it is a characteristic of our age that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much" Question: Why would a loving God kill the firstborn of Egypt?.Question: Why would a loving God would kill innocent children in the flood of Noah's day?.JPS Torah Commentary: Deuteronomy: "Filial insubordination is a grave offense because respect and obedience toward parents is regarded as the cornerstone of all order and authority".Question: Why are Old Testament penalties for disobedience so harsh?.Question: Why would Elisha have two she-bears maul 42 children?.Question: Did God endorse rape in the Old Testament?.Question: What is the best way to understand servitude in the Old and New Testaments?.Question: Why does God act so violently in scripture and especially the Old Testament?.Question: How can one reconcile scriptures in the Bible that appear to endorse genocide, pillage, and/or plunder?.Question: How can one approach reconciling confusing, seemingly disturbing, or otherwise troubling texts from the scriptures?.These articles help address these stories and practices in light of the Restored Gospel.

These questions have received a lot of attention from Christian apologists and other biblical scholars for hundreds of years.
Summary: Several people have become concerned with how to understand ancient practices and stories of the Old and New Testament and their ethical implications. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one in need of a religious mantra to get you through, or if you’re looking for just the right words to share with someone you know who needs a little help, we have faith that these Bible verses will be just what you need to find some light in an otherwise dark situation, and remind you the Lord is always with you.FAIR Answers Wiki Table of Contents Mormonism and Difficult Bible Questions These Bible verses about God's protection are powerful enough that they can be applied to a variety of life’s struggles - and sometimes you may find a single verse that speaks so strongly to you, that it helps you shore up your spirit against more than one challenge in your life - making these words a powerful balm in times of crisis. Whether it be to find the will to persevere when you're facing challenges in your personal relationships, or if you’ve found yourself battling an illness that seems insurmountable on your own, there are plenty of passages where you can find comfort and reassurance. During those dark periods, many people like to turn to their faith for strength and guidance. There are plenty of times in a person’s life when the weight of the world is on their shoulders.